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Clínica Luso Espanhola: How to lose a client due to incompetent handling of a claim. Part 2

Hi there,

Here is part 1 of this post:

As I found the mediocrity with which they had handled my complaint to Livro de Reclamações so outrageous, I decided to file a complaint with CICAP asking for a refund of the 55 euros of the consultation.

If they were not going to refund the money or apologize to me, at least they should pay a lawyer again.

I sent all the documentation to CICAP, and the mediation hearing was on September 14, 2023.

The day before CICAP sent me the same email from the lawyer that you saw in the previous post and this time they did send the orthopantomography.

That is, it took 2 complaints and 8 months for this incompetent clinic to deign to send the orthopantomography that I had paid for.

We had already been there on two previous occasions and the defendant had not shown up, so I thought that this time it would be the same.

We arrived and there were two women and Diego told me that they were from the clinic. There was the lawyer and the one who was presumably Giuliana, the dentist’s assistant.

First the lawyer and I went inside, and my thought was “Here we are going to kill each other if we have to”.

Not for the 55 euros but for my honor, this company had to pay for the time they made me waste, and justice had to be done.

We sit down and the lawyer says, “I don’t know what the lady is asking for”.

I thought she was being sarcastic but then I realized that she really had no idea what I was asking for or anything in general.

I began to tell my story with a lot of indignation and anger and every time the lawyer interfered to take me to task, I responded by making her look incompetent.

I must also point out the body language. I was sitting upright and with my arms crossed; when I spoke, I was very stern and conveyed authority.

On the other hand, the lawyer was with her back arched, with her hand over her mouth so that only the jurist could see her lips when she spoke and with a tone of voice so low that it was almost a whisper.

Every time she intervened, I told her that she had no idea of what had really happened and that she had been told a story that was false.

Everything she said, I told her that was not correct.

At one point, she said that Giuliana had called me, and I told her no, that Giuliana sent me text messages and she asked me if I had those text messages and her face changed because she thought I was going to shut up.

I told her that logically I didn’t have the text messages because I would never have imagined getting to that point, but that she should show me the clinic’s phone records since she said that the clinic had called me daily for more than 20 days.

There her face stayed as if I had slapped her.

I continued to tell the facts as they happened, and the jurist was shocked to learn that I was already a client of the clinic’s aesthetic treatments.

One of the many absurd things the lawyer said was that the clinic had given me the orthopantomography as a gift because it was not included in the invoice, and I told her that the clinic always made an invoice without specifying the concept. I had Botox, fillers, ultrasound, Diego had PRP, and in the concept they had always put “medical treatment”.

I would like to know what the tax agency and the ASAE think about this generic invoicing.

In fact, the proof is in the pudding:

At that point the lawyer asked how much I was asking for and the jurist told her it was the 55 euros of the consultation.

The lawyer asked for permission to go out and talk to the clinic on the phone.

The jurist started talking to the other two people in the room (the secretary and probably a trainee) and was shocked because the lawyer did not even know what the complainant was asking for.

I told them that the lawyer had no idea and mentioned how much I was paying for aesthetic treatments and that it was absurd that they preferred to lose two clients than give me back 55 euros.

The lawyer came back, and again hunched over and with her hand over her mouth, told the jurist that the company was going to return the 55 euros.

The jurist asked the lawyer several questions about the clinic, and she always replied that she didn’t know.

The jurist time and time again looked astonished.

This clinic seems to have made it their goal to hire the most incompetent staff possible for everything, because the show the lawyer put on was embarrassing.

We waited a while for the secretary to write the minutes of the arbitration session in which it was stated that both parties reached an agreement and the clinic had 10 days to transfer the 55 euros to me.

The lawyer began to tell the jurist to write that I could not defame the clinic in social networks and the jurist said no, that the minutes would only state that I could not make public that arbitration session.

She kept insisting a couple of times more and the jurist kept saying no.

Just so you understand how stupid and incompetent the lawyer is, defamation is a crime punishable by law and if I said something that the company considered to be defamation, they could take me to court.

Putting that “I undertake to defame” would be like putting that I undertake not to murder, not to sexually harass, not to evade taxes, etc.

Therefore, it was absurd for her to ask the lawyer to put it on the record.

The lawyer who did not even know what she was doing there that day and had not bothered to read my complaint, now pretended to make sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) for 55 miserable euros.

For those who don’t know, an NDA is a document that companies make you sign when you have information about them with which they censor you for life and pay you millions to buy your silence.

I would like to know where this “lawyer” got her university degree if she really has one.

The jurist told the lawyer to recommend to her company to return the money in the future and that’s it. That they should be thankful that I had only asked for a refund of 55 euros because if I wanted to, I could ask for up to 5000 euros in damages.

That was the end of the story with Clínica Luso Espanhola and I was left with a feeling of enormous satisfaction for having done justice.

When I told Diego how the arbitration session had gone, he kept telling me that I should have studied law and that I still had time to get my degree.

Before writing this post, I looked at the reviews of the clinic and thought that maybe it was for the best that I never returned because there were many strange things about the aesthetic treatments and the clinic in general.

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