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Raga Orthodontics: Scam and theft pushed to the limit

Hi all,

While in Valencia the retaining bar that is fixed after my orthodontics broke. Since I was a bit unhappy with where I was going before, I decided to try somewhere else.

I asked in several places making very clear that it was an emergency and that I needed to have it fixed at the first appointment because I was going on a trip the following week.

I found Raga Orthodontics and saw that it had good reviews on Google, so I made an appointment. When I arrived, I told them again that I was never going to return because I lived traveling, so I needed to have my bar changed immediately and nothing else.

They began to take photos of my teeth when I was neither going to be a fixed patient nor was I going to do any orthodontics with them. If you are not going to use those photos to see the progress of an orthodontic treatment, what are you taking them for?

The one who attended me asked if I had veneers because my teeth were very white and perfect, but then came “Dr. Raga” as if he was an eminence and that’s where the joke started.

The solution of this “professional” was to leave the broken bar since “it was what he did with his patients”. That he would clean it a bit and that’s it. If in the future my teeth moved, then I could come back, and he would fix them.

In shock, I ask that incompetent man how he is going to leave the bar broken, that if the bar is whole, it is for something; that what he had to do was change the bar.

There he began to tell a thousand stories out of my teeth: that my bite was forward, that my tongue was sticking out from underneath, that my tongue was pushing my teeth forward and that I would surely have to put braces again.

So that was the plan: leave the bar broken so my teeth would move and then get the money for a new treatment.

The situation looked like a hidden camera show.

I tell him that I want the bar to be changed and there, he tells me that I needed an appointment for another day and that he must make a budget for me.

The Budget:

The removal of the broken bar and placement of the fixed retainer were 250 euros and even so, another 200 euros for visits with the doctor. As the assistant explained to me, those 200 euros included a one-year warranty.

If I had already told them that I was not going to return and that I was traveling all the time, why would they charge 200 euros for a guarantee and some “visits with the doctor”?

Total: 640 euros. Usury and robbery exacerbated.

Since they started taking the photos, I knew I was not going to return, but even so I was shocked at how scammers some “professionals” can be.

I called Covadonga Balaguer, and they treated the emergency that same afternoon. They changed the bar and the next two days they gave me the new retainer.

I paid 50 euros for the retainer, and they didn’t even charge me for the emergency appointment or the new bar.

If I was a little unhappy because the orthodontics took longer than what I had been told, I left there again in love with the clinic and the professionals who work there.

But the story did not end there, when I realized that companies could delete negative reviews, I saw that Raga Ortodoncia had also reported my review for Google Maps to delete it. Upon appeal, the review was published and since they could not delete it again, from there they tried to call me and send emails.

In the response to the review, they said I was confused.

Even months later, Javier Raga took the trouble to send me an email apologizing and asking me to please qualify the review because it seemed that they were the worst. I don’t understand why he took the trouble since my review was pretty generic and nothing that would really hurt their business.

I took the trouble to look at the bad reviews and there were very serious cases of scam and even malpractice. Thank goodness I didn’t go back.

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