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Josecito, the cutest thing in Costa Rica

Hi there, 

This is a very special post because I am going to tell you about a wonderful dog that we met in Bahía Drake.

Our first day we went hiking through the humid forest to reach San Josecito Beach. The path is long, and it says in some guides that you can get to San Pedrillo, which is where the Corcovado National Park begins, but it takes more than 7 hours to get there walking.

So, we set ourselves the goal of reaching San Josecito Beach to be able to walk and return on the same day. If it gets dark in the woods, you risk getting lost or being attacked by predators.

After 2h30 we reached a river, but the tide was too high to cross it with our backpacks. We decided to wait and see if it went down a bit. After a while we saw a couple approaching with a dog; They went into the river and the current almost carried them away.

The dog that came with them crossed the river, came to where we were and sat on Diego’s feet.

The girl told us that the dog knew all the roads of Bahia Drake, that he had accompanied them from the town to San Josecito and that now he would surely stay with us because he was tired. You could see that it caused her a lot of sadness that he didn’t come back with them.

The dog cried a little when he saw the couple walking away.

We saw that the tide didn’t go out at all, quite the opposite, so we decided to go back and try it earlier the next day.

Michael, a boy who camped by the river, told us that the dog was from a hotel in town and that he was always walking the trails. We decided to call him Josecito after the beach.

We started the way back and Josecito was faster than us so at some point he disappeared. But when we had an hour left to get to town, he happily ran to meet us. He accompanied us the rest of the way and stayed in the village playing with another dog.

We went to the hotel to leave our things and after lunch, we went down to the beach for a while. There was Josecito, who decided to accompany us again.

On the beach, he started chasing some kind of duck and nearly drowned it. We decided to intervene so that Josecito would leave him alone.

Then there were a bunch of birds eating a fish head and Josecito ran out, scared them all away and peed on the fish’s head. We were dying of laughter because he was such a badass.

After sunset, we began the return to the hotel, Josecito went to sit with other tourists and stayed there.

The surprise was that after dinner, we found him at the door of our room. How had he gotten there? I gave him water and put one of the rugs of the room next to the door. There he slept all night.

The next morning, he had breakfast with us because we gave him biscuits and soy milk.

We went again to do the trek from the previous day and this time Josecito stayed on one of the beaches at the beginning of the trail.

Then we didn’t saw him again.

We fell in love with Josecito because he is the dog that any human would like to have. Years go by and we always remember him; he will always have a place in our hearts.

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