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When you try to do good, and you earn the harassment of the ignorant

Hi there, 

Some time ago I learned of a case of “cyber harassment” that several Venezuelan artists (and their followers) did to a Venezuelan biologist.

Diana Liz Duque is a biologist dedicated to the conservation of wildlife and has a project in the Caparo Forest Reserve in Barinas where they work to conserve 7,000 hectares of forest, its biodiversity, and many endangered species.

She published a post on her social networks about the irregular trend of macaws as pets in the profile of Richard Linares, who has 2 macaws as if they were dogs and, in addition, 2 million followers.

Diana asked the artist to stop publishing them and treating them like pets since he was giving the wrong and harmful message to the population. Many people do not know or understand that wild animals are not meant to be kept as pets. Just like you can’t go to parks or nature reserves to feed animals, you can’t grab an animal that lives free in the wild and take it home to keep as a pet.

As Diana said in her publications “Wildlife is not a pet”.

Instead of communicating with the biologist and somehow clarifying things, Richard Linares deleted the posts and published photos of Diana, saying that she wanted to take away his macaws. In this way, he promoted hatred among his followers, who went to insult Diana on social networks.

Diana received thousands of comments harassing her and saying all kinds of vulgarities.

Even Vanessa Senior (influencer) joined the harassment against the biologist.

With all the bullying this girl was subjected to because all she was doing was fighting for a good cause, one of her accounts was closed.

We should thank Diana for the work she does, we should all support her. Because instead of trying to gain followers by saying “damn Maduro” or having a gastric bypass (which is what is fashionable), she tries to educate people and save the wildlife of our country.

Every day I am more convinced that the country is not bad only because of the politicians but because of the harmful and toxic people who only know how to generate hate.

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