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To get the job you want, you must know how to sell yourself

Hi there, 

I am totally obsessive with the perfection of everything in my environment. In the kitchen I have my pending things organized by months and more detailed by weeks; In addition, I have my “to do list” of the most important things that I have pending.

I created my LinkedIn account when I started doing my master’s degree at ESIC in 2012 and the professors always congratulated me for the photo I had on my CV. Today I think that photo was horrible, but at that time and compared to the photo that the rest of the classmates had, it was the best.

I remember that in one of the first job interviews I did in Valencia, the lady congratulated me for my CV and told me that I had no idea what she had to read.

Today, on LinkedIn I still find embarrassing profile photos.

Everything enters through the eyes. Just as I told you in one of the past posts that the first filter is physical when you like someone, the same happens with LinkedIn profiles. I consider inadmissible a profile without photo or with a poorly taken photo.

The first time my boyfriend showed me his resume, I told him: “it’s the resume of a lazy man, I wouldn’t hire you”. I think Diego is an excellent professional, but how will they know if he doesn’t convey it correctly?

From there he began a work of creating an attractive and easy-to-read resume for any recruiter. In addition, I took professional photos of him, and we retouched them with Photoshop so that they would be perfect.

Another thing is that people are very basic and lazy to put the description of the jobs and especially the names of the positions. You must know how to write and describe elegantly.

Instead of “customer service”, put “customer success”, for example. If you are the only one in the company who manages customer service, you can place “customer success manager”.

We live in a globalized world and LinkedIn is a global network, place the profile in English because you don’t know who can access it.

No one is going to bother to meet someone who doesn’t know how to sell himself, because at the end of the day, that’s what matters. Just like doing a good job interview is selling yourself as a capable professional, in order to get to said interview, you have to know how to sell your profile, make it attractive.

Many times, you see people who post on LinkedIn asking for help to find a job, which is very common in Spain, but then you go to see the profile and it’s terrifying.

In short, if you want a good job in a worthwhile company:

  1. Put a beautiful photo on your profile, with good framing, appropriate clothing, and good lighting.
  2. Make an eye-pleasing, well-written resume. Obviously in English and in the languages ​​you are fluent in.
  3. Refine your LinkedIn and fill in all the fields.

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