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The corruption and complicity behind Portal Queixa

Hi there,

Continuing in the line of the scam that they did to us when we bought the house in Porto, I will tell you about this experience with another corrupt organization.

When ANACOM officials visited my house, they told me to file a claim against Remax at Portal Queixa, because it was a serious portal that really worked.

“Portal Queixa is a communication bridge between consumers and brands that gives consumers a voice through claims that allow solving the problem; In addition, it allows users to place positive or negative evaluations of the companies.”

On November 17, 2022, I filed a claim on the Portal Queixa addressed to Remax Portugal for the scam that Remax Rubeas had done to me.

A few days after filing the claim, I received a call from Ruben Costa and I hung up on him, because I had no way to record the conversation. That’s when I realized that the claim had worked.

On December 22 I received a response from Remax Portugal in which they say that their franchisee was already dealing the situation directly with me. To which I reply that it is a lie; that Remax Rubeas had my email and that of my lawyer and that there had been no contact of any kind.

In January I accessed my profile because it seemed strange to me that I had not received any notification from Portal Queixa.

I saw that my claim had completely disappeared from the portal.

I wrote to customer service, and they replied that “Remax Portugal had told them that the claim corresponded to MaxVillage and not to them.”

Clearly, the Portal Queixa staff had not even bothered to read the attachment to the claim where the deed and other documentation were, where it was clearly seen that it was Remax Rubeas who had sold the house.

Maxvillage, was just an intermediary between Remax Rubeas and Me. Although they were accomplices in the scam, it was Remax Rubeas who had the house for sale.

After multiple emails in which I tried to make the incompetents of Portal Queixa understand that my claim was not duplicated or wrong, they told me to post it again.

The next day, they had removed the claim again with the excuse that it was “duplicated”.

I got tired of sending emails that they didn’t even bother to reply and I tried to resubmit the claim for several days and they kept deleting it because it was supposedly a duplicate.

I also tried to place the claim from Diego’s profile, and they deleted it with the same excuse.

That’s when I understood how Remax Portugal was the number 1 Brand in consumer satisfaction on the Portal Queixa, because they simply had the claims that could really harm them deleted.

Portal Queixa, which is supposedly an impartial consumer defense body, is another dishonest entity that helps and allows corrupt and scam companies like Remax Portugal to do whatever they want.

I also tried to write on social networks and both Remax Portugal and Portal Queixa blocked me from all profiles. That’s how serious the scam they did to me is that it’s not convenient for either of them for the truth to come to light.

As I already mentioned in other posts, I had denounced Remax Rubeas before all the competent bodies and proceeded to do the same with Portal Queixa.

It is perfectly understood how Remax is the number 1 real estate agency in Portugal. After what happened to me and seeing the innumerable number of reviews on Google, and the fact that it was impossible to place the claim on Portal Queixa, I understand that the growth and monopoly of the brand is due neither to transparency nor to the legality, nor the professionalism of those who make up this mafia.

Remax makes money because they scam in the real estate sector and then move their influences so that the truth is not made public.

As for Portal Queixa, it is clear that they are not there to help the consumer, but to help whoever has more money.

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