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Job search mistakes

Hi there,

It gives me such a shock when people send DMs on LinkedIn to share their resume and say they’re looking for a job. Please spend that time looking for a job instead of spamming people on LinkedIn.

Besides, you look bad. First, because you are sending a general message without having segmented the people who could help you find a job, and second, because job search pages are for something. If you are looking for a job, check the pages of the companies that interest you.

Another mistake is people who apply for a job at the company you work for and write to you without knowing you asking you to recommend them. I don’t know you and I’m not going to recommend you. Who am I in the company for my recommendation to be worth anything? Perhaps in the company they hate me and if I recommend you, the play will turn out worse.

It’s one thing for you to meet someone in an important position; that recommendation may help you, but writing to anyone in the company to recommend you is not worth much.

Another magnanimous mistake is made by people who are starting a business and need to sell their stuff. LinkedIn is a very good tool, but you must segment. Don’t send me messages when I’m not interested in what you sell, I don’t use it, I don’t even work with that.

Once I changed jobs, a guy I had known for years wrote me to sell an application to my company. I followed this guy on IG a long time ago and he never gave me a “follow back” and I never forget those things. Then, if I work in customer support, why do you want to give me a presentation of your application? You will have to write to someone with a position of responsibility in the IT part. I am not going to tell the CEO of my company to buy your application. The worst thing is that I didn’t reply, and he wrote me a second time to “follow up on our conversation and to see if I had been able to see the presentations he sent me”. At what point did we have a conversation that deserved follow-up? Don’t think it stopped there, he kept putting question marks until I blocked him.

In conclusion:

If you’re looking for a job, spend your time submitting job applications directly through the websites of companies that interest you. Only in Amazon Jobs you will already find thousands and thousands of jobs to apply for.

Do not write to people you do not know to recommend you. It is better that you send a message to the CEO or the director of human resources proving your worth.

Finally, if you want to sell something, I imagine that you know who your target audience is. You should know who you must write to. Do not send spam messages to all your contacts because they will most likely block you.

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