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Why make a website and blog?

Hi all,

I had written a post that I was going to put as the first on my blog, but I changed my mind and I think the first way to start this project is to tell a little about the “why” of this website and this blog. It is as well as to expand a little what I placed in my “bio”.

Since I was little, I went through many ideas of things that I wanted to study. The first thing that occurred to me was to be a veterinarian because I have always loved animals and as a child, I had dogs, rabbits, cats, ducks, chickens, little birds, iguanas, mice, etc. But then I discarded it because I didn’t really like having to operate animals. At some point I also wanted to be a marine biologist.

Then I evaluated options like psychology or law, but those ideas disappeared over time. And it’s a shame, because everyone tells me that I would be great as a lawyer because I win almost all the discussions in my personal life, and I am very good at arguing.

Later, when I was nearing the end of high school, I don’t know why it occurred to me that I wanted to be a journalist and I began to see myself as a reporter on some channel. I also have to say that photography has fascinated me since I was little and that I have always loved taking pictures of everything. Picturing myself doing research and reporting, was something really motivating.

Since at that time everyone wanted to study social communications, the highest grade was needed for that career. The Central University of Venezuela was the first option because my father studied there and because it was free, but by grade, I didn’t make it. I also applied for the Catholic University (UCAB) and Monteávila University and was admitted in both, but I decided on UCAB because it seemed to us that, as a university, it was the one with the most prestige.

And that’s how I started at UCAB, with many dreams and many beautiful ideas in my head. After three very hard years of studying and studying, it was time to choose the specialization. I discarded Journalism because the teachers I had were very bad and they had demotivated me a lot; And if to be a journalist, I had to be like them, I’d rather not be. I also ruled out advertising because, despite being a world that called me a lot, I didn’t think it was the best place to study this, and I said to myself: “I’ll go to Buenos Aires to study some advertising.”

Finally, I chose audiovisual arts. Since I loved photography and have always been a movie fanatic, I thought that was my thing. My closest friends had also chose this path, so it was another plus. It was a very nice specialization, and I learned a lot, but I graduated quite unhappy with the overall experience of the degree.

Just out of college, I got an opportunity to take an exam for a job in an office of the Spanish Embassy. It was an administrative position that had nothing to do with what I had studied, but they paid in euros, and in exchange, the salary was more than what a general manager would make. I took my exams and was offered the position and I must say, it was one of the most horrible experiences of my life and it was not worth the money I saved.

That’s why after two years of being there, I decided that I was going somewhere to do a master’s degree and since my ex-partner was Spanish, he told me to go to Valencia and there I went to do a master’s degree in marketing management at ESIC. Terrible mistake, another of the most horrible experiences of my life

From there, it was like life has not stopped beating me; one of the blows, the death of my mother. This does take number one on the list of most horrible experiences in life. A blow from which you do not recover.

And so, I have had several years like living to live; with hobbies and passions left behind somewhere and with little or no reason to enjoy life. Mostly angry at the world.

Then I met who is now my partner, who has brought me many joys and who has had to put up with my sadness, my mental rolls, my bad character and last year he had to accompany me to go through an illness from which I thought I would not come out alive.

After all these horrible experiences, it is when I have stopped a little to think clearly and I have decided that I want to do the things that I like, even if it is not the most profitable option or the one that gives me financial stability. And one of them is this blog, because I’ve always wanted to put my photos somewhere and see if someone likes them and because writing has always been something I’ve wanted to try. Many times, it has happened to me that I see myself writing a book and listening to the voice-over of what I am writing, like in the movies. Hasn’t it happened to you?

And after my partner suggested that I make a website and having the advantage that he is going to do all the technical part, I decided that yes, I was going to try to see if this is my thing or not.

We’ll see how things continue …

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