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A place called Rambla Honda

Hi everybody,

Today I am going to tell you about a place that I like in Spain for its tranquility. I have to say that all the places that I have visited in Spain since 2012, have seemed nothing special if I compare with other places in the world that I have visited. I am not saying that Spain is ugly, but in my opinion it has nothing special compared to other countries that I have been.

But there is a place out there lost in Andalucía that I find quite pleasant to visit because of its tranquility.

This place is Rambla Honda, a town in Almería, an hour’s drive from the city.

I went the first time in August 2016 because Diego’s parents have a house there. The landscape as soon as you arrive in Almería is all dry and in August, even drier. In Rambla Honda you see some white dots scattered in the landscape that are the few houses that there are. Where Diego’s parents have the house, there are only 2 more.

When you arrive, forget about the Internet because in order to get some signal, you must leave the phone at a strategic point in a window and in my case, it stays there for the entire time.

The first time we went to Almería, as it was summer, we visited Cabo de Gata beach, beach of the dead and Mónsul beach. The beaches are fine but nothing special since I compare everything with Los Roques.

Cabo de Gata seems the best to me, and we used to go there because the sand is made of pebbles and the sea is perfect for SUP and swimming.

The beach of the dead, the two times we have been, had the red flag, but we bathed the same and we really enjoyed fighting with the waves.

Mónsul beach is famous because a scene from Indiana Jones was recorded there. For me, the beach is ugly because it is of black volcanic sand.

This year, to escape the “fallas” (Typical celebration of Valencia), we went to spend the weekend at Rambla Honda and since the water is still very cold in March, we took the bikes with us.

On Saturday, the plan was to do a round route to Turrillas. As I am taking up cycling and sports in general, after more than a year that I couldn’t train, we do easy routes that do not exceed 40km. But this route was anything but easy. It was like pedaling through sand, we got lost about 4 times, in many sections we had to go on foot, and we did not reach Turrillas. But we had fun, which is the important thing.

Sunday, in theory, we had an easier route to Sorbas. The first 20 minutes were easy and then everything was uphill, stone paths where the bicycle slipped, and you had to do everything on foot. When I was dead tired, there was still an hour and a half to go back.

That weekend we organized to do the route in the morning and be back home for lunch. Fortunately, Diego’s mother was waiting for us with the food cooked and the table set.

Something funny about Rambla Honda is that everyone is Diego’s family their names are either “Nieves” or “Diego”. When they are presented to you, it is like “she is Nieves’ second cousin“, “He is the husband of Nieves and a distant first cousin of Diego“. Whenever we go, we must also have the obligatory afternoon of visiting the relatives, in which everyone comes to drink coffee and each one shouts (because in Spain most of the people speak screaming) about their chickens, the colors of the eggs that their chickens lay, the crops from the garden, etc.

I also have to say that the people of Almería are super friendly, and they always want to help you and explain everything to you. For me, who am used to the people of Valencia, the change is abysmal.

Rambla Honda is a place in the middle of nowhere where tranquility and calm are a must and at night the silence is so deep that it is almost annoying. Every time we want to escape from Valencia without spending a lot of money, we go there.

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