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Women come into the world to be mothers

Hi everybody,

In this article I want to talk about a situation that I find absurd and that makes me very angry. We are supposedly in a modern world in which sexists behaviors are rejected and penalized, but there are still people, and especially women, who sponsor and maintain this situation.

I remember that when I was little, when I was about fifteen years old, we would meet my parents’ friends and the question was always: “If I already had a boyfriend“; It gave me a lot of indignation, because with so many things they could ask me, like what I was going to study at the university, what I wanted to be when I grew up, well… so many things… And it was always this question. As if at fifteen, in my life there was nothing more important than “having a boyfriend.”

When you reach adulthood, the question is another: When are you going to have children?

In other words, my life, as a woman, is reduced to having a boyfriend and having children; Apart from these two things, it seems that there is nothing else, for most people. I mean, there is nothing more important about my life that you could ask or would be interesting to know.

Another very typical phrase also comes: “you don’t want to have children now, but you’ll see in a few years.” But why? What does this obsessive need that people with children have, that those of us who do not have children should have them?

It sounds more like a horror movie in which they put a curse on you and whatever it is, your catastrophic moment is going to come.

Additionally, women who have children, instinctively, denigrate those who do not. From there come phrases like: “you don’t know what pain is because you haven’t given birth”, “you don’t know what it’s like to lead a busy life because you don’t have children.”

I remember that last year I went to the dermatologist because I saw some spots on my skin and what the dermatologist told me was “You don’t have children, do you? Because I wouldn’t even have known that I had those spots. ” For me, what the dermatologist told me was like a slap in the face. Forgive me for not having children and seeing the spots on my skin, I leave here quickly to have one put in me asap. But please! There are more things in life or at least in my life, there are.

Each one chooses the path they want to follow; some choose to be mothers and housewives, others decide to be mothers and continue working, others decide to study and work, others decide to travel, others decide to have dogs. Why does society have to force me to have children? Or why am I less of a woman for not having them?

To those women who allow themselves to tell others that they do not know what pain is because they have not given birth, who has given them the omnipotence of pain to allow themselves to emit such “infallible truths“? I have undergone several operations, I have suffered a lot of pain and I know that many people have also had very complicated medical situations and a lot of suffering and even so, I do not go telling the rest of the people that they do not know what pain is because they have not passed what I’ve been through.

Another very common practice is that when something hurts or you feel bad, the answer is always “Aren’t you pregnant?” No, I am not pregnant and there is one thing that you may not know, which is called contraceptive methods.

In short, I believe that I am a human being and a normal woman, even if I do not have children or want to have them, just like the rest of the women in the world who have not had them. Everyone chooses how they want to live their life and do the things they like the most. I want to continue studying, continue to grow professionally, travel the world, watch series and movies, read … And it doesn’t even cross my mind to have children. Still, I am as valid as any other human being.

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