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Taking advantage of the quarantine to justify brutality and the violation of human rights

Hi there,

After the unfortunate encounter I had with the police next to my house, I was sent a video in which some policemen beat a boy who was coming from the supermarket.

It was evident that this person had some mental problem. After a few seconds of arguing, the policeman beat him up and while he is handcuffing him, the mother comes running saying to leave him because “he’s crazy.” The mother is also attacked by the policeman.

I passed the video on to all my contacts and posted it on my social media because I think it’s important that these things come to light, especially when we talk about human rights violations.

The reaction that seems normal to me is that people are horrified since a policeman cannot attack you unless it is an extreme situation. In fact, when serial killers, rapists and other criminals are caught, they are not beaten, but read their rights. Why? Because we are supposed to have evolved.

Even so, many countries, including Spain, still do not understand that as citizens and as human beings we have certain rights, one of which is that a policeman should not come and beat us up when he is in a bad mood.

That day I was very shocked when a school friend responded to me after watching the video that “In the war they didn’t hit you, they shot you and they would have to repress the people even more.”

I find it incredible that a human being can make these kinds of comments. So, what would be the solution for people to follow the rules in quarantine? Shoot them if you see them on the street for no apparent reason?

Is this how the problems are solved?

Another person replied that it was the boy’s fault for responding in a bad way and that “We have known all our lives that the Spanish police are very rude.”

The two people who gave me those mentally underdeveloped answers, fortunately have never found themselves in the situation of being assaulted or that they assault their relatives for no reason.

Once again, I am stunned by the ability that they have in Spain to do everything wrong and that even going through a pandemic, they do not learn from countries that are doing things well.

I am even more impressed that there are people who have not evolved mentally and still believe that violence is the best solution to problems.

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