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Has Instagram become the new Tinder?

Hi there, 

Lately it happened to me that from time to time someone sent me a private message. In general, people who neither follow me nor had bothered to give me a “like”.

These people start telling me “How beautiful I am” and I simply reply, “thank you”. Honestly, what makes me want is to send them far away, to put it politely. We all have people on Instagram that we like, but at least you must follow the account and “like” the posts.

I have people I like on Instagram and all I do is follow and interact with the content, but it never occurs to me to write to them privately.

So, first there is the normal and respectful behavior that must be had.

There are also those who follow you and start to ask you about life through the Instagram chat. In other words, we are two people who are far from each other and who will surely never meet in life. Is it necessary to be asking age, studies, sign, and various nonsense?

I even told a guy that I was married, 45 years old, 4 children and he still asked me to put the camera on. There are very sick people.

There are others who see that my profile is about travel and write me “Come to my country”. Why do I have to travel to the country where you are? Are you going to pay for the flight and the hotel?

I have always thought that you must be nice and grateful to the people who follow you, so I always try to treat those who write to me as I would like them to treat me. But up to a certain point. You can’t be bothering with stupid questions and even more so when I am not responding with interest or establishing a dialogue.

There are super cute people who comment, talk to you about trips, they are intelligent. Instead, others almost always win the “block” immediately.

My social media savvy friend says I must answer and be “social” to be favored by the Instagram algorithm, but I’m too annoyed having to keep answering questions they wouldn’t ask if they’d bothered to read the bio.

Also speaking with my friend, I told her that I did not understand how having so many networks and applications to find a partner, people bother others through Instagram. My friend told me that this was “so they wouldn’t get caught.”

At some point it seems that Instagram became “Tinder”. Too bad, because the good thing about Tinder is that if you didn’t “match” they couldn’t write to you. That way you avoided the one you didn’t like from writing to you. That’s why I think singles that nobody wants are now harassing on IG.

I have also seen profiles in which they only put “single” in the bio. Is there nothing more interesting about their lives to write in the bio?

I missed that moment of transition when people started looking for a partner on Instagram. What happens is that you must have a little common sense and not write to a person you don’t even know where she is. In addition to not realizing when they are not paying attention to you in the slightest.

The positive thing is that thanks to all those misplaced people, I learned to better manage the account so that they can’t contact me.

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