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Veganism as a lifestyle

Hi there,

At the age of 17 is when I became aware of healthy living, since at that moment I understood that I was not going to have the metabolism of a girl all my life.

I had never had bad eating habits or been overweight, but I knew that I was going to have to limit the consumption of certain foods. So, I continued exercising and began eating healthier.

I was never a meat lover and even touching raw chicken or meat has always disgusted me.

In 2012 when I went to live in Spain, I tried to stop eating animal products, but when I had my annual medical check-up, I was a little anemic and the doctor told me that I had to eat some animal protein, so I went back to eating mostly fish and eggs, but in very little quantity. At that time, I didn’t have much knowledge about nutrition, so I didn’t combine food in the best way and, I did too many hours of sports a day.

In recent years, the only animal protein I was eating was egg white or fish.

In December 2019 I saw “Game Changers” which is a documentary in which they explain that a “plant based” diet is healthier and has improved performance in many elite athletes. I had been thinking about stopping the consumption of animals again and after watching the documentary, I decided to do it.

Now I have more knowledge about food and nutrition than in 2012, so I eat better meals. The truth is that physically I feel better and with more energy. I have a feeling of general well-being.

Also, I eat more than before, and I maintain my ideal weight without problems. I even notice that I have gained more muscle mass.

This has been the best, I don’t have to starve myself. Where before I ate an egg white with lettuce, now I eat a lot of hummus, rice, vegetables, and fruit. Just as skinny without being hungry.

Since veganism is not only about eliminating food that comes from animals, I am also paying more attention than before to buying vegan products and there are more and more options on the market (although still more expensive than non-vegan ones).

I see more and more public people switching to this diet and even at the Golden Globes this year they served all plant-based food for the first time in history.

I think it is something important to gain quality of life and even more important to not contribute to animal abuse and the atrocities that those poor animals that are destined for human consumption, go through.

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