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Human beings are evil by nature

Hi there, 

“Human beings are evil by nature” – Machiavelli.

Since high school when I heard it for the first time, there has not been a moment in my life in which I do not agree with this philosopher.

Removing very few people from this classification for being excessively good and altruistic, most of the human beings you see out there leave a lot to be desired. But it is in moments of tragedy when human beings take their wickedness and selfishness to the extreme.

Without going very far, in my country everyone fills their mouths cursing the Chavistas and blaming a political model for the country’s crisis, when most people contributed. They all did business with CADIVI quotas, they all cheated with supposed studies abroad to get dollars, they all bought and resold at exorbitant prices.

After squeezing the lemon as much as they could, they emigrated, and many left their pets on the street.

The Spanish are also experts in showing what is bad about other countries to cover up their own shortcomings.

I’m sick of the Spaniards coming to talk to me (as if they had any idea) about the shortage of supermarkets in Venezuela. I’ve gotten tired of explaining to them that if you create panic and everyone buys more than they use, any supermarket in the world will run out of supplies.

Then look at Spain, a couple of days of coronavirus “crisis” and supermarkets were already out of stock. I put crisis in quotes because what we have experienced with this virus is nothing compared to wars and situations of misery that many countries experience.

With the coronavirus we have simply spent a few days at home watching series and with all the food we could want.

Still, people emptied supermarkets and videos of people hitting each other for toilet paper began to go viral.

This makes me think with horror that if something serious happened, people would be like in The Walking Dead shooting each other in the street. The series could not be more right, since after the world has ended and having zombies everywhere, what continues to be scarier are human beings.

With the Coronavirus, they began to sell masks and antibacterial gel at abusive prices in absolutely all the affected countries. It was no longer just Venezuelans or Chavistas who did it.

Everyone takes advantage of the worst moments to have economic benefit. It doesn’t matter if people are dying, they will sell you antibacterial gel for 50 euros.

While animals can assimilate and modify their habits, human beings will continue to make the same mistakes over and over again.

I found it incredible that when the coronavirus boom began in Spain, I heard a girl saying that the “shit red” government was to blame for not taking the pertinent sanitary measures.

I think, what will socialism have to do with the fact that the politicians on duty are incompetent and have not done what they should?

What a habit so many people have of blaming people’s mistakes on political models or nationalities. If a person does evil, it is because they are evil, not because they are right-wing, Caucasian, Buddhist, or French. Political models are words written on a piece of paper.

The worst thing is that that person who complains, surely in a position of power would be just as incompetent and corrupt because they care very little about others.

It is the same as when a woman is raped. They are not concerned with punishing the rapist but with criticizing the victim for how she was dressed or for the photos she has on social networks.

Everyone complains, but at the same time they contribute to the corruption and decomposition of society and the world in general. Human beings have not learned from wars, genocides, natural disasters, or anything. We live in a world in which human beings continue to make all the disasters they can, contaminating everything they can, and taking their selfishness to its maximum expression.

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