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For what the artists of Venezuela were left

Hi there, 

Daniela Alvarado is one of the artists who joined the fashion of gastric bypass.

Removing a photo that she posts in good lighting; all his publications are horrible. I understand that people want to be natural and go without makeup, which I support, but you must have a bit of decency when posting the photos.

Also, if you want to be natural because you don’t do makeup, don’t spread the word about how cool it is to cut half your stomach. Don’t show that to the people who follow you as you are influencing them wrongly. If you did not want to do exercise or eat healthy, do not say that a gastric bypass is the best decision in life.

I have always believed that you must take care of the aesthetics of what is published on Instagram, without the need to lie. Just as I find it terrible that anyone posts ugly photos on Instagram, much more so if you are an artist or an influencer. I think that, as such, it is their job to show quality content.

Daniela Alvarado is one who goes to extremes of the ordinary and posts eating greasy food with cheese dripping from the corners of her mouth. The worst thing is that companies pay her for that advertising.

Apart from a few like Edgar Ramírez, who are an example in many ways and with their work they leave the name of my country high, most of these “influencers” earn “likes” based on their marginality and the hatred they generate.

I followed some because sometimes they made funny videos, but I got tired of the constant negativity, the insults to Chavistas, and the typical “damn Maduro” phrase. In fact, there was a time when they started posting videos burning photos of Maduro and I blocked all those accounts.

I don’t think anything is resolved by saying “damn Maduro” or by burning photos of him on social media. On the contrary, it increases the discomfort and the feeling of hatred in the people. We don’t need any more resentment than we already have.

Why don’t these people take advantage of all those millions of followers to generate positive things?

Why don’t you share content so that people learn to take care of the environment, or so that we don’t harm each other?

What you see from Venezuelan influencers is almost always the same mischief. In fact, Daniel Sarcos criticized Marko Música a lot because in all the videos he made he always denigrated women.

I wish everyone was like Edgar Ramírez who has never said a bad word, quite the contrary, he fights like a champion; Making our country known, he took a film to Canaima to record and always puts something from Venezuela in all the productions in which he appears. In addition, he is always sharing Venezuelan gastronomy with his coworkers.

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