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The “cave” hotel of Cappadocia

Hi all,

Today I am going to tell you about our last accommodation in Turkey.

As I mentioned in a previous post, in Cappadocia the typical thing is to stay in the “cave hotel” which are hotels made in the style of caves like the ones you find throughout the region. There are some that are actually made inside the ancient caves and others that were simply built in imitation of them.

I saw a hotel that I loved in Uçhisar, but it cost like 200 euros a night and we didn’t want to spend so much money. At the end we chose the Karadut Cave Hotel which cost us around 80 euros for three nights and it gave us confidence because the receptionist responded fast to everything and seemed competent.

In order not to complicate the organization of the visit too much, we told the same receptionist to book the airport transfer and the balloon ride for us.

We arrived and the receptionist gave us one of the downstairs rooms because he said they were warmer for winter. It was not bad in size and seemed clean. It had a small table and a chair, which we had requested previously since we would need to work.

From the first moment the internet connection was terrible, and Diego had to use the internet on his cell phone to be able to work. Forgot about sending a WhatsApp because it was impossible.

One thing to keep in mind about these “cave hotels” is that the room smells like dust because dirt is always falling from the ceiling. The room was cleaned every day, but it didn’t matter, all the surfaces were always covered with grit. In the bathroom it was worse.

The room’s floor was made of wood, but it was already worn and grated. There were rugs and I removed them right away because in Turkey rugs are put on and they are never cleaned again; they don’t even vacuum them.

A funny thing is that the door barely had a lock, just a latch that opened as soon as you pushed the door hard.

In theory, breakfast is from 8:30, but at that time they begin to clean the dining room (which should have been cleaned the day before) and to put the food. It was buffet style and was not bad in variety. I had told the guy at the reception that we were vegan, and the breakfast lady made me a bread with olives since the typical bread they eat has cheese.

The bad thing is that the dining room was not well isolated, and it was like sitting in the street, the same cold. They put on a stove, but you couldn’t even feel it.

The hotel had a small terrace like all hotels in the area have, but from this one you couldn’t see the balloons.

We booked the balloon ride through the hotel receptionist, and I don’t recommend it at all. This hotel had an agreement with Atmosfer Balloons, and they always booked with them.

Although in general I did not like the hotel, I found the receptionist very attentive and professional. You could tell he cared. There was no 24 hour reception, but there was a number on the reception door to write if we had a problem.

I found the breakfast good and sufficient. In addition, I appreciate that the lady had made me a special bread because I am vegan. The bad thing is that it was very cold, and you ate everything almost frozen

The location of the hotel was not bad, but as I told you, I would have liked more to stay in Uçhisar.

Ultimately, I wouldn’t go back to that hotel in the first place because of the dirt that was falling from the ceiling all the time. If you are going to Cappadocia, I think it is best to avoid the famous cave hotels and stay in a normal construction, because also these hotels are very cold in winters and very hot in summer (most do not have air conditioning). Also, it is not pleasant to have breakfast when all the food gets cold in seconds. Another important factor for not staying there is that the internet does not work.

Although I liked the attention of the receptionist and the breakfast lady, it does not make up for the shortcomings of the hotel and the terrible failure of the balloon ride with the agency that the hotel booked for me.

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