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The nightmare with the tax authorities does not end

Hi all,

In a previous post, I told you how much money I had to pay after selling my apartment and the odyssey that the whole procedure had been. After that, I had to wait for a letter from the tax office with the interests because of the “late payment”.

In March 2021 I received a letter saying that “because it took me more than a year to pay the taxes”, I would have a 20% surcharge for an amount of 895.95 euros. In addition to this, interest for 83.08 euros.

The dates were wrong, so the 20% surcharge was wrong. In fact, I went to one of the offices to ask and they confirmed that I was right.

Then we investigated the legislation and saw that the default interest was not correct either since the quarantine period did not count.

So, I made a claim basically to show them that they were wrong about everything. (Even when the claim is in Spanish, you can see how detailed it is).

Of the 979.03 euros that the estate wanted to steal from me, I only had to pay 47.74 euros.

In July 2021 another letter arrives in which they removed the 20% surcharge and place the wrong interest again: 83.08 euros. It was evident that they had not even bothered to read the letter I sent.

I make a second claim in which I put the same letter to see if this time they read it.

In October 2021 I received another letter in which is mentioned that “because I had accepted the interest settlement proposal” they sent me the receipt to pay and not satisfied with that, they threatened to charge me more surcharge if I was late in paying.

In other words, after two complaints and having always ticked the “I DO NOT AGREE” box, the incompetents are still trying to make fun of me for the third time.

When they tried to charge me the 20% surcharge, the mistake was so stupid that it even seemed made on purpose to see if I would fall. That after the second claim they respond to me with the mockery saying that I accepted the amount of the interest, leaves me no doubt that they do it to see how many fools they can scam.

As the receipt was issued, I had to pay it and then make a third economic-administrative claim before a higher body so that they would reimburse me the difference of the amount (35.34 euros)

I received the answer the following month in which they told me that they would return the 83.08 euros plus interest on late payment. I was shocked because they gave me the full amount instead of the 35.34 euros that I asked for, which makes me think that again they had not taken the trouble to read my claim, although in this case, better for me.

Don’t think that the story ends there. They sent a check by post that never arrived, so I spent from November 2021 to March 2022 making multiple claims to have the money deposited in my account, as they should have done from the beginning. In March 2022 I received the money in my account. In total, 1 year and 3 months to close an issue that should have taken 5 minutes.

Although these things about Spain do not surprise me, it does not stop annoying having to waste time and money for the incompetents who run that country. In addition, it is shameful that state agencies are engaged in scamming and robbing citizens. Imagine the number of people who are fooled by taking advantage of the fact that they don´t know the law.

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