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My experience in the Luso Espanhola Clinic of Porto

Hi there,

In the summer of 2022, I had to get botox touch-ups and some fillers. I had an appointment to do it at the Ricart Medical Institute (IMR), but I had to change the appointment since we had to go to Porto urgently to open the account.

I wanted to make the appointment in August, but as is typical in Spain, everyone goes on vacation for the whole month of August. Since we signed the sale of the house on September 2, there was no time to reschedule the appointment.

After buying the house and when we had everything organized, I started looking for and contacting clinics to go to the one that gave me the best feeling.

As the Luso Espanhola Clinic had an offer in October in which botox was at 220 euros, we decided to try it.

The idea was to get botox and then see what the surgeon proposed in terms of fillers.

The surgeon who does the facial treatments is called Antonio Pinto. From the first moment he saw my face and told me “You are perfect.”

I told him everything I had done in Valencia at the IMR, and he replied that, in his opinion, I didn’t need any of that. He told me my cheekbones were fine, my forehead was fine, my chin was fine.

That the only thing I had was a bit of flaccidity on my face, which was normal for my age, and he recommended:

  • Radiesse diluted all over the face (except the forehead) to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin.
  • Ultraformer sessions to improve the elasticity and firmness of the skin (once a year).

I was surprised that he didn’t suggest anything else to me and he even raised my self-esteem. In addition, he always told me that I had the face of a girl and that I was perfect.

When I went to the IMR, the surgeon would always make me a huge list of things and make me feel like the ugliest person in the world. In fact, he always told me that I “needed lips” when I had already told him that I didn’t want to put fillers in my lips. I don’t think he ever understood that I wanted to keep having my face.

Since the summer of 2020, which was when I started doing things to my face, what I wanted was to look as young as possible without changing my face.

Antonio Pinto is very conservative in that aspect, and I fell in love with him from day one.

After putting the diluted radiesse, I kept noticing a part of my left cheek that was a little drooping in relation to the right. This is normal because we always have one side worse than the other, but I asked him how we could do to try to equalize as much as possible.

As you already know, symmetry is impossible because the human body is asymmetrical, but the Doctor suggested that I do a projection of the cheekbones with radiesse to improve the inequality on the left cheek, always making it very clear that it would not look exactly the same.

Another good thing about this doctor is that he puts anesthesia to do the fillers. In the IMR they only gave anesthesia when it was for the lips. Even if they tell you otherwise, all these procedures hurt.

2 months after applying the diluted radiesse, I went for my first ultraformer (radiofrequency) session. The Doctor told me that it hurt a “little bit”. The reality is that it was a real torture, especially in the part of the jaw because the bone and the teeth hurt horribly. It got to a point where I was screaming in pain.

When it stopped, I thought it was over but there were 3 more phases left. My whole body was already shaking. The other 3 phases were less painful, but I didn’t want to do the treatment ever again. I spent a couple of weeks with jaw pain and a swollen face.

Diego, in addition to botox, had fillers and cheek projections with blue and red radiesse and hyaluronic acid. Diego had very sunken cheekbones and cheeks and the change was incredible.

In addition, we took the opportunity for him to do a capillary PRP session. When the PRP was done in Valencia, they put half an injector with a kind of gun. Instead, here I was amazed that they gave him 6 or 7 complete injectors.

Of course, it hurt much more than what was done in Valencia, and he was left with pain in the area for two days.

All the reception and administration staff are extremely competent. Another thing I like is that Antonio Pinto works alone and is very fast.

When I went to the IMR I lost an excessive amount of time because in addition to the doctor always being late, you had to go through 4 or 5 different nurses to apply the cream, to clean you, to rinse your mouth with disinfectant (after covid), to take the photos, to fill out the form, so that they put ice on you after the injections.

My total expenses:

  • Botox: 220 euros
  • Diluted Radiesse: 400 euros
  • Projection of cheekbones with Radiesse: 325 euros
  • Ultraformer session: 500 euros

Diego’s total expenses:

  • Botox: 220 euros
  • Radiesse + hyaluronic acid to improve the structure of cheeks and cheekbones: 700 euros
  • Hair PRP: 200 euros

If I compare with what they charged me in the IMR, the prices of the Luso Espanhola Clinic are more accessible.

In the IMR only the botox cost almost 500 euros for me and for Diego, almost 700 euros. Imagine the rest of the prices.

Since I was happy with Antonio Pinto’s care, I went to see the dentist at this clinic to get an estimate for a gum graft. I paid 55 euros for the consultation, and they agreed to send me the budget. A month passed and I contacted the clinic to see what was happening. A few days later the dental assistant wrote to tell me that the periodontist was on vacation.

Two more months passed, and I contacted through Instagram to tell them that they still had not sent me the budget. Just when I was on vacation in Budapest, the dentist’s assistant tried to call me again and then sent me an SMS quoting me for a consultation one day that I couldn’t go. I told her my availability, she agreed to confirm the next day and again she forgot. She showed up a week later to tell me that she still didn’t know when the periodontist would be able to come to the clinic. After 55 euros and several months wasted, I decided not to do anything else in this clinic apart from facial treatments.

So, as a negative aspect, the operation of the dentist’s area is disastrous, and I do not recommend it at all. To top it off, they don’t even respond to emails.

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